Welcome to p3w.gg

Your favorite Rust servers, enjoy your time

p3w.gg - 3x Monthly - [US] Server Image
p3w.gg - 3x Monthly - [US] Procedural Map
0 / 125 players


Treat every member with respect and avoid any form of harassment, bullying, or hate speech. Derogatory language and personal attacks are strictly prohibited.

Refrain from posting or sharing NSFW, discriminatory, or graphic materials. This server aims to maintain a welcoming environment for players of all ages and backgrounds.

Use the correct channels for your topics. Keep Rust-related discussions in Rust channels, tech support queries in support channels, and off-topic conversations in designated off-topic channels.

In-game rivalry can be fun, but excessive hostility or toxic behavior (repeated griefing, in-game harassment, etc.) is not allowed. Keep interactions sporting, even when playing Rust.

Do not promote other servers, products, or external communities without explicit moderator approval. Avoid posting repetitive or irrelevant content.

Adhere to Rust’s official game rules and guidelines. Exploiting game mechanics or using cheats is not tolerated, and may result in server and Discord bans.

Do not share personal information (yours or anyone else’s) without permission. Respect everyone’s right to privacy.

Moderators have the final say on rule interpretations. If you feel a decision is unfair, politely discuss it with a moderator in private.

Server rules may change. Keep an eye on announcements to stay informed about updates or clarifications regarding these guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

This server wipes on the first Thursday of every Month at 2PM EST.